Saturday, October 12, 2019

College Experience Interview- The Quote Sandwich

In my English 110 class, we do an activity called “The Quote Sandwich” is about how a quote should be.
First, you need to talk about your theme (that is the first bread) you should give the reader an explanation
of your topic, is like an introduction to your quote if you do not do this first the reader would not understand
really good your quote. Second, your quote(This is the ham and cheese) here you need to give your quote,
but first remember that you need to put the name of the author in order that the reader know who says the
quote after you close your quote, you need to put in parenthesis the last name of the author. Then, in order
to finish your sandiwch, you need the last cape of bread, here you need to explain your quote, how is that
your quote connects with your topic, what the quote means, what the author is trying to do with this, then
your sandiwch is done. 

Brissa Guevera is a student from Imperial Valley College, a place where she can experience cultural
diversity each day in the classroom. Everyday Brissa hears the most common languages in school, English,
and Spanish and sometimes a mixture of she calls this “Spanglish” a language created because we are close
to the border. Brissa emphasizes, “I think that cultural diversity is great, we can learn from each other in
the classroom, and our ideas combined can be better because we can have some innovator.” (Guevera)
Everyone who lives close to the border should understand what Brissa is talking about, we live in both
worlds, cultural diversity in the classroom is not something bad, like Brissa says you can take advantage
of your classmates with different background and learn more about their culture and behaviors, this should
be fun in the class. When you combined ideas with someone who came from another place maybe you both
can have differences, but after a good conversation, I am sure that you both can do something amazing and

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